Call for Papers

The deadline of paper submission is 30th November 2018.

We invite researchers and graduate students to submit paper abstracts for general sessions in IVRJ 2018. Papers on any subjects in the areas of legal philosophy, political philosophy, ethics, and applied ethics in a broad sense are welcome, but papers on topics related to the conference’s theme are particularly considered. Please fill in Paper Abstract Submission no later than 28th February 2018. Each participant can submit two papers at maximum, whether single-authored or coauthored. In the provisional time framework, each presenter in a general session is requested to make a presentation within 20 minutes, followed by discussion in 10 minutes. Please note that the presentation time might be adjusted, depending on the number of presenters in a session.

Panel proposals on any topics in legal philosophy, political philosophy, ethics, and applied ethics in a broad sense are also welcome. The time slot of panel is one hour and a half. If you want to organize a panel, please fill in Panel Proposal Submission no later than 28th February 2018.

The result of selection of paper and panel proposals will be released by 31th March 2018. All accepted abstracts and panel proposals will be posted in the conference’s website a few weeks before the conference.

We have a plan to publish selected papers in a special issue of some international journal published by a Western publisher. A participant in general session or panel may submit only one paper, whether single-authored or coauthored, for publication. For your paper to be considered, it should meet all of the following conditions:

  • The subject of the submitted paper relates to the conference theme, “Rule of Law and Democracy.”
  • It consists of 4,000 words at minimum and 6,000 words at maximum, including notes.
  • It follows the paper submission guideline of Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (ARSP).
  • It is not published in any journal or submitted to any other anthology or journal.
  • It does not include any information that indicates the identity of its author(s).
  • The final version of the paper is submitted to the conference e-mail address ( no later than 30th November 2018.

Please note that the submission of a full paper is not required for presentation at the conference, while it is required after the conference in order that the paper is considered for publication. We particularly welcome submissions made by women and members of underrepresented groups.